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Portland, OR USA e-Business International Inc. (E-BI) with headquarters in Portland, Oregon is a turn-key, full service sourcing company that provides complete logistics and supply chain management services between customers and suppliers that is second to none. The combination of cutting edge software technology, a world-class staff dedicated to continuous improvement, and a network of world-class manufacturers in the most strategic low cost regions of China make eBI the most effective sourcing option available.

The Contract Manufacturing Group is a network of qualified suppliers containing the top performing companies in their respective manufacturing fields in China. eBI satisfies stringent customer quality requirements while offering the most competitive pricing available - making the job of sourcing in Asia seamless and manageable.

eBI's administration staff handles all aspects of project management and transport logistics from China to your facility. With an exclusive state-of-the-art software system, we give the customer on-line access to all critical information. 24hr real-time visibility to projects eliminates the time zone and language barriers doing business in Asia. eBI can manage your supply chain globally to dramatically reduce your costs and meet your production requirements.

eBI is a truly global company with a presence in 3 US cities, offices near the major manufacturing centers in China, and customers throughout the continental US. Our project management system is always available at www.gscmonline.com.

Additionally, our Beaverton, OR worldwide headquarters may be reached at 503.644.2290, fax 503.644.0962. After hours service is available at 503.330.0922 or 503.332.7208